Discover the Power of LD Therapies.
For all ages
Whether you're seeking to enhance your learning abilities, manage stress, or improve your overall well-being, LD Therapies is here to provide tailored therapeutic solutions that empower you to thrive. Step into a world of possibilities and embark on a path of self-discovery with LD Therapies – where positive change awaits.
Get to Know Our Available Therapies.
What Therapy Can Help With?
Anxiety disorders
Social Anxiety
Separation Anxiety
Exam Stress
Perinatal Mental Health
Self Harm
Sleep Difficulties
Children Anxiety disorders

Lisa Dale
When I set up LD Therapies my vision was for an ageless service that can access therapy wherever the person might be in the UK and beyond.
Finding the right therapist can be daunting, the important thing to know is you are seeing a therapist that is registered with a governing body and has the right training. I have trained for many years in the therapies that I offer and continuously attend my own clinical supervision and additional training to make sure the guidance I provide has the most up to date evidence base.
I have worked in the Public, Private and Voluntary Sector in mental health services for the past 24 years. This has included leadership roles in the NHS and Local Authority.
I started my Private Practice in 2017 and this grew so much that I left the NHS permanently to focus on LD Therapies.
I wanted to share a bit more about myself so you have an idea about who I am, my experience and if I am the right fit for you. Please click on the ‘about me’ section for more information and a list of my professional registrations and qualifications.